Denied TheMarauda's Suggestion

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New member
User name: TheMarauda

Minecraft Username TheMarauda

Discord Username Sman#9858

Where would the suggestion be applied to if accepted? GalacticSky

What is your suggestion? Easier way to sell items. Whether it be /sell all and /sell handall, or sell chest, or sell wands. It would be beneficial if a lower version was obtainable from voting /shop while upgraded versions are available in /store. An example of an autosell chest plugin.

Why do you think this suggested feature would be beneficial to OuterWorlds? One of the biggest turn offs for a lot of players is selling the 9 million cactus they farmed, and it would help retain people who enjoy the game. It could also help generate revenue from the upgraded version giving a boost like 1.5-2x sell value.


You can sell your hand by using "/sell hand" or purchase a "Seller Slave" from the Marketplace. Those are currently the only two implementations planned for bulk sales of items. The Seller Slave functions identically to a sell chest, you link the slave to a chest and whatever items go into that chest are sold automatically by it.
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